Ah, yes, nice and quiet, no snakes here. Look at that lovely fucked up architecture. The explosion you heard earlier seems to have shaken the whole cathedral. It seems to be holding together though.

Well, time to walk down this peaceful corridor totally uninterrup-

Wait.. do you hear that?

(users on mobile will have to skip this page, it’s a video game, shhh ==>)

The snakes are coming! Use WASD/ARROW KEYS to move, the SPACEBAR/LEFT CLICK to jump and LEFT-SHIFT/RIGHT CLICK to swing your keyblade.

(alternatively you can use a gamepad controller device. LEFT STICK to move, A BUTTON to Jump, B BUTTON to attack)


Thanks to Polystation 2 for creating the pumk model and Lateralyst for creating the music

and BIG thanks to Chuz for programming the game!

This game can be PURCHASED over at his itch.io here: https://charlie-batten.itch.io/run-away-from-snakes


Give him money, he deserves it.